Resources for Education

The Prison Industry Corporate Database

Empirical Research Data (to read and share

Professor Eric Janus  Crooked_Picture_Re_Framing the Problem of-child-sexual-abuse (1).pdf

Researcher Karl Hanson – Long Term Recidivism Rates Among Individuals at High Risk to Sexually Reoffend  


LongTerm Recidivism Rates Among Individuals at High Risk to Reoffend.pdf

Where do sex crimes occur? How an examination of sex offense location can inform policy and prevention

Court Rulings Missouri

Doe v. Keathley.pdf

MO Supreme Court ruling on appeal

ResearcherJason Rydberg, Kelly M. Socia, Christopher P. Dum & Katrina Cole

Shooting the Messenger:    How Expert Statements on Stigmatized Populations Negatively Impact Perceived Credibility