Welcome to “Missouri Alliance for Family Restoration, (MOAFR)

Our 2025 goals:

  • Raise enough funds to fully fund our lobbying goals now and into the future

  • Kill or amend bills that make the current Missouri registry more onerous

  • Support bills that reduce obstacles created by the Missouri registry

  • Educate Missouri legislators who pass more and more sex crime laws that prevent registrants from fully contributing to society; but that do NOT increase public safety

  • Educate legislators and the public, with empirical, peer-reviewed data, that recidivism rates in sex crime cases are in the low single digits.



That Missourians see the value in removing obstacles from those who have paid their debt to society and aspire to be gainfully employed, law abiding citizens, with restored family and social relationships. 


  • To educate legislators and the public with facts instead of fear, so our population does not continue to be targeted with unnecessary and punitive registration requirements.

  • To increase awareness of unfair Sentencing, Prison, and Registration practices in Missouri.

  • To remove the stigma attached to the individuals and supportive family members subjected to these systems. 


  • To educate the citizens and future leaders of Missouri so that they might more clearly understand the necessary changes that we seek.

  • To continue to hold broadcast and printed media accountable for using our families to boost ratings and for making uneducated statements.

  • To increase attainable actionable items; inside and outside the organization.

  • To achieve legislative redress.